This project durably removes carbon and stores it for tens of thousands of years through Enhanced Rock Weathering. InPlanet works hand-in-hand with farmers to restore degraded soils and improve crop health through the substitution of synthetic fertilisers and Aglime with natural rock powder.
CARBON Removal Method
Enhanced Weathering
Vintage year
This project involves a singular application of basaltic rock powder on 1000ha of pasture land from 12 farmers. The treatment fields are all used for cattle grazing and vary in size between 13 and 383ha. The farms lie at an average distance of 60km from the rock powder supplying quarry to limit transport emissions. Rock powder spreading will be finalised in Q1 2024 and followed by a 5-year measurement period. In this period, rock powder is slowly dissolving which captures CO2 and releases nutrients to the soil. Carbon removal and co-benefits are closely monitored for quantification throughout the project’s lifetime and verified yearly by a third party. The project is expected to result in 1.700t net CDR over its total 5-year lifetime.
InPlanet is a science-first company that sees an important role for itself as an industry pioneer to rapidly advance MRV and unlock ERW’s huge potential in the tropics. Their monitoring approach is the most comprehensive to date and studies CO2 removal across set-ups, from controlled lab experiments to real-world in-field sampling.
They believe another important way to scale ERW is to improve understanding and transparency. Please refer to their Definitions Guide to understand carbon management for ERW and their public LCA for insights into ERW operational emissions.
InPlanet is a remote-first German-Brazilian AgTech carbon removal company on a mission to remove gigatonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere. InPlanet is the first carbon removal AgTech startup to work at scale with the unique conditions of tropical soils using Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW). Rock weathering is a natural process that gradually removes CO2 from the atmosphere on timescales of hundreds of thousands to millions of years. Through grinding and spreading the right rocks on farmland, ERW accelerates this natural process from millions of years to less than a decade, removing CO2 from the atmosphere on human-relevant timescales and providing important co-benefits for local and global environments.
- InPlanet's ERW Manuscript: this article reviews ERW quantification methods providing the scientific basis that validates InPlanet's Approach.
- Contributing to the development of ERW Standards: InPlanet is a member of ERW standard working groups and community boards, including Cascade Climate, Isometric and Carbon Business Council and is thereby actively participating and shaping the community standards for EW around best-in-class science.
- Frontier Climate: They were selected out of hundreds of suppliers for a +1000tonne contract to Frontier for their first purchase of Carbon Removal Credits from novel removal technologies in 2022.
InPlanet’s vision is to sequester gigatons of CO2 while regenerating tropical soils in order to create a liveable planet with nutritious food and healthy ecosystems for future generations. They believe that agriculture plays a vital role in mitigating climate change, and their vision is to transform farming practices to become a powerful carbon removal solution. By utilizing excess basalt rock powder as an alternative to traditional fertilisers and pesticides, they enable farmers to contribute to carbon removal while improving soil health and crop productivity. They work closely together with farmers in Brazil to restore their soils and help them transition to low-carbon, sustainable and nature-based agriculture.
"The rapid progress we made in the last twelve months is demonstrating the huge potential of ERW as a CDR technology as well as a game changer for farmers. We are excited to pave the way with our partners and investors to establish InPlanet as a thought leader in the tropics! I am especially thankful for our fast-growing, impact-driven team, forming a unique company culture with us founders."
Felix Harteneck
CEO of InPlanet
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